Predict the next numbers and you win BIG TIME!
I found about this CTF from the amazing people on Twitter. Overall it was a pretty fun CTF with interesting challenges which made me think more than usual! I ended up around 13th out of 173 teams, not bad for playing solo. This is a write up for the Lotto_win challenge, a crypto problem. Can you tell I love crypto?
Given the link and port for the challenge, connect to the service with nc
. Upon connecting, I got this wall of text:
Trust in Lotto-Win. Trust in open source:
def next(seed):
# Max winner number
MAX = 2000000000
# Min winner number
MIN = 1
# Change of the seed
seed = seed * seed + seed
# Truncation of the seed
if (seed > 0xFFFFFFFF):
seed = int(hex(seed)[-8:], 16)
# Return of [new seed, new winner number]
return [seed, seed % (MAX - MIN) + MIN]
# Initialization of random seed
seed = random.randint(0x1337, 0xFFFFFFFF)
Last Lottery numbers:
Wait 5 minutes to play the next round of lottery...
Enter your lottery number:
Seems to me that in order to solve this challenge, we have to find out of what the seed is. This is because if we can figure out what the seed is, we can derive all the future lottery numbers.
The most vulnerable point in the program is giving us the previous lottery numbers and reusing the seed to generate the lottery numbers.
In cryptography a secure number is a number thousands of digits long, not 8 digits long.
Knowing this, we can brute force values for the seed.
We know that the lottery number is calculated by
seed % (MAX - MIN) + MIN
where % is the modulus operator.
If we look at the set of values that the lottery number can take, [0,MAX - MIN]
, as well as the set of values that the seed can take (after initialisation), [0, 0xFFFFFFFF]
, there's only a finite possible number of
combinations to calculate the seed from the lottery.
This is what we exploit.
def calcSeed():
1stLotteryNo = 1420164716
2ndLotteryNo = 1170149968
for i in range(10000):
# strategically guess the value of the seed
seed = 1stLotteryNo - MIN + i*(MAX-MIN)
# copy the code from the next function to go through
# one iteration of getting the next seed value
# Change of the seed
seed = seed * seed + seed
# Truncation of the seed
if (seed > 0xFFFFFFFF):
seed = int(hex(seed)[-8:], 16)
# our guess is correct if we can identify the next lottery number
# which is given to us
if (seed % (MAX - MIN) + MIN) == 2ndLotteryNo:
As from the code, the code snippet attempts to guess the value of the seed by adding on multiples of MAX-MIN
to the lottery number.
Then we verify the seed is correct by calculating the next iteration of the seed and calculating the next lottery number.
If our calculated lottery number is the same as the next lottery number given to us on the service then jackpot.
Running the script multiple times on different sets of numbers, I found out that seed = LotteryNo - MIN + 1*(MAX-MIN)
and i=1
With this knowledge we can generate all future lottery winners! Below is a snippet which does so:
oldWinner = 1420164716
seed = oldWinner - MIN + (MAX - MIN)
for j in range(1000):
winner = next(seed)
seed = winner[0]
Now we can connect to the service and enter the new lottery number. I redid the challenge again with new numbers just to show you guys:
me:~ nc 30341
Trust in Lotto-Win. Trust in open source:
def next(seed):
# Max winner number
MAX = 2000000000
# Min winner number
MIN = 1
# Change of the seed
seed = seed * seed + seed
# Truncation of the seed
if (seed > 0xFFFFFFFF):
seed = int(hex(seed)[-8:], 16)
# Return of [new seed, new winner number]
return [seed, seed % (MAX - MIN) + MIN]
# Initialization of random seed
seed = random.randint(0x1337, 0xFFFFFFFF)
Last Lottery numbers:
Wait 5 minutes to play the next round of lottery...
Enter your lottery number: 1731988167